Story Lab
Tell the story your audience wants to hear
Online or in-person, I write your new stories together with you and your team. The key stakeholders love the results, because they help create them.
No other process brings a brand to life in such an efficient, engaging and effective way. It works for your team, and it works on your customers

GENRE The Space You Play In
ENEMY & SUPERPOWER Point of Difference
LOGLINE Business Pitch
TONE Tone of Voice
QUEST Customer Mission
CONTROLLING IDEA Customer Value Proposition
SYNOPSIS Brand Benefit Summary
LOVE STORY Customer Story
HERO’S JOURNEY Website Homepage
A distinctive brand blueprint and long-lasting assets
A stronger, simpler and consistent story for your team to tell
A bank of powerful messages to use right across your business
A unique tone of voice and your website homepage written
One-on-one consultancy with Greg
A brand and story that you love, because you create it with me
5 days